Rad A. Drew Photography: UPDATE! on the Free SnapSeed Webinar to Benefit Drew

Continental Divide at Dawn

Continental Divide at Dawn
Continental Divide at Dawn

Monday, December 31, 2018

UPDATE! on the Free SnapSeed Webinar to Benefit Drew

Drew, at home in NYC, November 2018 


We held the SnapSeed Webinar yesterday, January 8, and it was a tremendous success! We had 200 people register for the webinar. You were all so supportive of Drew, offering encouragement and making donations to her medical fund. We can't thank you enough!

For those who missed the SnapSeed Webinar, you can view a recording of it here for free: https://attendee.gototraining.com/r/2675120982502151938

The webinar is free to view, but if you would like to make a much appreciated contribution to Drew’s medical fund, you may do so here: https://www.gofundme.com/p24rw5-drews-medical-fund.


Meet my niece, Drew! She is bright, beautiful, courageous, ambitious, loving, playfully chic, talented, kind, and hilariously funny! 

These are just a few of the adjectives that her friends use to describe her. She is one of the strongest, most giving people I know and a great friend to those she cares about.

She was happily living her dream working and living in NYC last November when a cancer diagnosis rudely barged into her life!

So, what can an uncle do to offer support when cancer barges in? 

The reality is, not much! Especially when much of what Drew needs is resources for mounting medical bills. 

But THIS is what I CAN do!

Offer a Free SnapSeed Webinar for Mobile Photographers! 

When: January 8, 2019, 5 PM EST
Cost: Free!
Contribution: Optional!

There is no obligation to contribute to Drew's GoFundMe Medical Campaign, but those who would like to, may do so by clicking HERE

Tip: Register for the webinar even if you can't attend the live session. You'll get a link to the recorded webinar to watch at your convenience.

About the SnapSeed Webinar

SnapSeed is one of today's most powerful tools for editing and stylizing mobile phone images. It's a free app that runs on both the iPhone and android phones.

In the hour-long webinar, I'll share a killer SnapSeed workflow that you can use to craft your mobile images, and I'll cover details of masking, and a whole bunch of other SnapSeed "secrets" that will help you make your mobile images SING!

There is absolutely no obligation to contribute to Drew's fund, but those who would like to, can contribute directly to her GoFundMe site.

Whether you choose to contribute to Drew's medical fund or not, you are welcome to participate in this SnapSeed webinar!

Drew, last summer post chemo therapy

About Drew

Here's a synopsis of Drew's story. You can learn more on her GoFundMe site.


When Drew was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer just over a year ago, it was a shock to say the least. “How old are you?” her doctor asked? Drew’s answer? “29.”

Today, after 15 rounds of chemo, surgery to remove her right breast, and multiple radiation treatments, Drew is optimistic about being cancer free! After that she’ll begin addressing reconstruction surgery.

Drew’s physical and mental health is most important without a doubt. 

But her fiscal health has taken a huge hit, even though she’s done all the right things. Like having a great job with insurance. Like living within her means. Like squirreling away a savings.

Still, it took very little time for the mounting medical bills to overwhelm her. Much of the treatment she's needed has not been covered by insurance, and she earns just enough to make her ineligible for other forms of assistance. At one point Drew said worrying about the money was "almost as bad as the cancer."

Shortly after she was diagnosed, a friend of her mom's started a medical GoFundMe campaign so family and friends could help Drew with her mounting medical expenses. 

People have been very generous! Many of you reading this have been incredibly supportive. Thank you! Your support has been a tremendous gift!

Drew Last Summer after 15 rounds of chemo

Through all this, Drew has continued to go to the job she loves with Managed by Q in New York City. She's participated in activities to support the Susan G. Komen foundation, and worked to raise awareness of how surprisingly common cancer in young women is today. 

With fellow survivor and Managed by Q alum, Helena,
at Susan G. Komen’s Race For The Cure September 2018

You can read her blog post, How Managed by Q Saved My Life, in which she shares a bit of her experience, reveals surprising statistics about cancer in women under 40, and offers suggestions for workplaces and for young women on how to become more aware and proactive.

Thank you so much for your support! 

I hope to see you on line for the SnapSeed webinar next week!

Register HERE
Contribute Here (if you choose)

In the meantime
Happy New Year!

Photo Credit: All of the images used here were provided by Drew and her friends.